His Dreams. Our Purpose.

Our Mission

Leading people into an encounter with Jesus and into their purpose.

Sunday Services

Join us each Sunday for church service
@ 11 AM

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! Also, if you haven’t joined us yet on Facebook or Instagram, please do. We look forward to Blessing the City with you!

Midweek Prayer

Stay tuned for an update soon!

Pastor Jeremy and Yolanda Raquel Schweder’s vision is to see regional transformation for the glory of God, every institution, every home, every heart surrendered to Him… Read More→

The Bible is accurate, true, and God’s Words on a page.. There is only one God… God the Father is the creator and sustainer of all things… The Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God… Read more→

Get connecteD

For more information or any questions, prayers requests or if you would just like to connect with us, we would truly love to hear from you.

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