Who We Are

Our Story

Bless the City Church (BTCC) started as a dream in the hearts of our pastors in the spring of 2019.  The dream was to build a church that would be integrated into the Barkley area of Bellingham with a heart for millennials, families, and those far from any church community.

Over the year that followed a group of people gathered as we prayed weekly seeking God for His purpose for our city.

You are stepping into a church community that is in-process. We have a dream to be in the Barkley area of Bellingham, and God is giving us unique ways to be a blessing to our city.

Bless the City Church is built upon the idea that God has dreams in His heart for the people of our region, and through seeking His heart, those dreams become a reality through us as we make them our purpose.

We believe that Bless the City is more than a good idea, it’s a God idea.

Our Vision

A church overflowing with God’s presence where we see the lost saved, culture transformed, and God Exalted.

Our Mission

Leading people into an encounter with Jesus and into their purpose

Our Culture

What we value...

Culture of Overflowing Love

Culture of Discipleship

Culture of Faith & Expectation

Culture of Encounter

Get connecteD

For more information or any questions, prayers requests or if you would just like to connect with us, we would truly love to hear from you.

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